mardi 18 juillet 2023


 Another article for the Norse dwarfs. With the revelation of well-kept secrets: the tons used for certain beards !

The standard bearer :

And the leader :

And now some recipes :

Red beard

- base VMC Chocolate brown + VGC Parasite brown

- second base with VGC Parasite brown, highlighted several times with VGC Pale yellow

- final highlight by adding VMC Ivory.

Blond beard

- base VMC Japanese uniform

- GW Agrax Earthshade 

- highlights VGC Pale yellow

- Final highlight by adding VMC Ivory.

The most recurrent leather, especially for boots

- base VMC Chocolate brown

- GW Nuln Oil 

- VMC Chocolate brown + GW Ushabti bone

- Final highlight by adding VMC Ivory.