And here they are, the goblin wolf riders !
It is a mixture of the citadel and marauder ranges. Many different models, I am far from having them all ...
Some recipes for different wolf furs :

- Base VGC beasty brown
- Highlight with VGC plague brown
- 2nd highlight with VMC amarillo caqui
- Last highlight with white

- Base VMC dark grey
- Highlight with VGC sombre grey
- 2nd highlight with VGC wolf grey
- Last highlight with white

- Base VMC english uniform
- Highlight with VMC amarillo caqui
- 2nd highlight with VGC bone
- Last highlight with white

- Highlight with VGC bone
- 2nd highlight with white
- Wash with AP strong tone
- Wash with dark tone
I finished my pot of dheneb stone :-( While waiting to find a real alternative, I replace it with VGC khaki.

- Base VMC stone grey
- Highlight with white
Next on the painting table, preparation of a goblin war chariot ...
Very eye catching! Thank for adding the tutorials.
RépondreSupprimerThank you ☺️
SupprimerSo good! Definitely bookmarking this.
RépondreSupprimer☺️ thanks Andrew !
SupprimerSuperbes. Les couleurs de tes gobelins marchent toujours aussi bien. Ils viennent d'où les boucliers ?
RépondreSupprimerMerci Jaeckel ! Les boucliers sont de la marque knightmare miniatures, gamme green skin Wars :
Lovely work!
RépondreSupprimerThanks ☺️
SupprimerVery nice indeed!
RépondreSupprimerThank you ! ☺️
SupprimerThese are truly inspiring and I'm stealing all your wolf colors!! thanks...:)
RépondreSupprimerThanks :) steal 'em all !!!